Youth Ministry

Welcome to the

SJBC Youth Page

Our Youth Ministry provides a loving community that leads and support youths on their Christian journey and inspires joyful service to God.

Youth Videos Youth Ministry

“GET HOME SAFELY”: 10 Rules of Survival

On December 14, 2014, shortly after Michael Brown’s death, Trinity United Church of Christ held safety forums with a variety of law professionals for our youth and their parents, and we dedicated our bulletin to educating our congregation on safety measures to use in their interactions with police.

An important infographic, “10 Rules of Survival If Stopped By the Police,” developed by David Miller (founder of the Dare to be King Project) was shared, and, in partnership with CTS, WFYI, Trinity UCC, and SALT, those rules were used to create a short film, “Get Home Safely: 10 Rules of Survival,” to bring this critical information to an even wider audience and help keep our children safe. We encourage youth and parents to watch this video. Get Home Safely Video:

Black History Short Film

This short film was produced by some the Youth Ministry February 28, 2021. The film features African-American of Union County, NJ

Celebrating Black History Month:

Youth Kick Off

Youth BBQ July 2020

Youth Accomplishments for 2022

We Are Here for You!

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